Shawn Higgins

Shawn Higgins

Shawn Higgins

Shawn is a geomorphologist experienced working with interdisciplinary teams to evaluate impairment to natural processes in rivers, estuaries, and coastal environments. He leads watershed assessments and reach level analyses of channel migration, floodplain connectivity, sediment transport, and wood recruitment to identify threats and impacts to ecological processes and habitat conditions. He collaborates with stakeholder groups to develop conceptual design alternatives for restoration of habitat-forming processes and facilitates alternatives analysis to develop restoration design plans that best address project objectives within. Shawn’s project experience includes planning level assessment for identification of restoration and protection actions, analyses of hydrologic and geomorphic impacts of climate change, development of design plans for habitat restoration and enhancement, and monitoring of the geomorphic response to project actions.

Shawn Higgins

MS, GIT, FAA Part 107

Senior Scientist, Geomorphologist

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