Megan Nelson

Megan Nelson

Megan Nelson

Megan Nelson has more than 15 years’ experience in water resources and civil engineering projects. Her career has focused on civil and hydraulic engineering for a variety of applications such as floodplain and watershed studies, culvert replacement and fish passage, habitat restoration, transportation, and engineered log jam design. While at Natural Systems Design, Megan has been a Project Manager or Project Engineer on a variety of projects, ranging from watershed planning and floodplain analysis to site assessment and stream restoration. Her primary roles at NSD include project management and discipline coordination, stream corridor existing condition and bank full width analysis, replacement culvert sizing, hydraulic modeling using both 1-dimensional HEC-RAS and 2-dimensional RiverFlow-2D, spatial analysis using ArcGIS, and plan set production using AutoCAD Civil3D. She brings experience working on projects with private, local, and federal stakeholders such as the City of Bellevue, Seattle City Light, Seattle Public Utilities, WSDOT, Sound Transit, City of Portland, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, PacifiCorp, Portland General Electric, Federal Highway Association, California Department of Transportation, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Idaho Fish & Game, the Yakama Indian Nation, and the Quinault Indian Nation.

Megan Nelson


Associate Principal Engineer

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