Marcia Fischer

Marcia Fischer

Marcia Fischer

Marcia is an ecologist with an advanced degree in landscape design emphasizing ecological design and restoration ecology. She brings over 28 years of experience in field biology, restoration ecology, and landscape design into the assessment, analysis, planning/design, construction supervision, and monitoring of stream, wetland, and upland habitat restoration projects. Marcia integrates her background in science and design to focus on process-based design that embodies ecological integrity and optimal function. She has been the lead on numerous habitat and management plans developed and produced by Natural Systems Design for a variety of municipalities, citizens groups, and land trusts in the Pacific Northwest region. Her work at NSD reflects and incorporates her depth of experience in: master planning/ management plan development for natural areas; developing planting designs, specifications, and cost estimates for stream, wetland and upland projects across a spectrum of urban and wild landscape settings; performing wetland delineations and mitigation site monitoring as well as developing mitigation site plans and monitoring metrics and providing permit assistance; performing habitat assessments in a variety of habitat types; and providing third party review of design and monitoring plans done by others.

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Marcia Fischer

PWS, CERP, ISA Certified Arborist

Senior Scientist, Landscape Ecologist

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