Liza Kimberly

Liza Kimberly

Liza Kimberly

Liza Kimberly is an earth scientist with an interdisciplinary academic and professional background that spans research, teaching, and consulting. She holds a B.A. in Geology from Carleton College and an M.S. in Geology from Western Washington University, where she tested the potential for using Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry to estimate seasonal mass balance on the Easton Glacier on Mount Baker. Since completing her Master’s, she’s conducted glacier and streamflow monitoring efforts with the Nooksack Indian Tribe, assisted with database management for the North Cascades National Park glacier program, traversed the Juneau Icefield to support climate research, and contributed to fish passage and river restoration projects with another consulting firm. At NSD, Liza is excited to use field-based research and scientific data to inform restoration designs and solve environmental problems.

Liza Kimberly


Staff Scientist

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