Leif Embertson

Leif Embertson

Leif Embertson

Leif is a principal river engineer with truly unique experience in and knowledge of riverine and aquatic environments emanating from education, training, project experience, and extensive personal interest in the field. He is the lead design and hydraulic engineer for river-related projects such as bridge/culvert replacements, river and stream bank stabilization and restoration, engineered logjams, fish habitat improvements, 1- and 2-dimensional hydraulic modeling, fluvial geomorphic assessments, floodplain analyses, scour analysis, sediment transport analysis, and stable channel design.

As a professional engineer and avid whitewater kayaker, Leif spends his professional and personal time figuratively and literally immersed in the river environment. This combined technical and personal experience produces deep understanding of the fluidity, variability and complexity of long-term processes within aquatic systems that has served many clients well on projects across the western United States.

He has shared his expertise by instructing other hydraulic professionals on the correct use and theoretical basis of HEC-RAS through the National Highway Institute and as a member of the Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Associate (NSEA) Board of Directors.

Leif Embertson


President, Business Development Director, Principal Engineer

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