Jen O’Neal

Jen O’Neal

Jen O’Neal

Jen O’Neal is a senior Fisheries Biologist with 22 years of experience in stream restoration monitoring, salmon habitat restoration design, and riparian ecology. Her field and research experience includes developing robust protocols for monitoring salmonid populations, measuring the effectiveness of habitat restoration projects, determining data quality levels in current monitoring efforts across the Pacific Northwest, and assessment of specific habitat elements preferred by Chinook juveniles. Her current focus is using remote sensing techniques and topographic survey to assess changes in floodplain habitats due to restoration actions.

Jen’s publications include serving as an editor for the Salmonid Field Protocols Handbook published through the American Fisheries Society in 2007 as well as articles on large-scale effectiveness monitoring of restoration, and improvements in tagging and telemetry technology throughout the Pacific Northwest. She is currently managing projects specializing in effectiveness monitoring and design of salmon habitat restoration projects in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. She also serves on the Washington Salmon Recovery Funding Board Technical Review Panel providing input to improve local restoration design and implementation. Jen also works with research centers at Western Washington University and the Skagit Watershed Council to promote science-based watershed planning, efficient monitoring, and aquatic resource management.

Jen O’Neal


Senior Scientist, Fisheries Biologist

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