Based in the Seattle office, Jeff Sires is a Project Engineer, whose work at NSD centers on modeling and design of holistic river and shoreline restoration projects.
Jeff’s career has been focused on understanding, protecting and restoring riparian and coastal ecosystems for the benefit of both wildlife and people.
After obtaining a B.S. in civil engineering at the University of New Hampshire, he spent three years researching and monitoring hydrology, water quality, and fish habitat on Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula. This work included stream flow tracking, fish passage assessments, and water quality evaluations within freshwater and estuarine fisheries.
Subsequently, Jeff spent several years modeling and designing water resources projects throughout New England including culvert and bridge replacements, stream restorations, bank stabilizations, and flood risk mitigation practices with considerations for increased precipitation and sea level rise.

Throughout his career, Jeff has been devoted to local and regional conservation efforts through service and leadership on a variety of boards and committees including the Saco-Swift Rivers Local Advisory Committee, Saco Headwaters Alliance, Jackson NH Conservation Commission, and Upper Saco Valley Land Trust.
Jeff currently lives in Issaquah with his wife Lydia and is excited to be working on river restoration and fish habitat projects in the Pacific Northwest.