Nic Truscott

Nic Truscott

Nic Truscott

Nic has 17 years professional experience including 11 years working as an engineer addressing a wide range of water resources issues. He has worked on projects across Washington, Oregon, and California including fish passage improvement projects, large scale habitat assessment and improvement efforts, hydrology investigations including hydrologic modeling, peak flow estimation, discharge measurement, and rating curve development. He has performed numerous hydraulic modeling efforts using both 1D and 2D models to analyze current and proposed conditions and to map inundation at various flows. His expertise also encompasses floodplain reconnection, bank stabilization, and estuarine restoration projects.

As a Certified Floodplain Manager, he brings a working knowledge of floodplain management policy to the table on every project, helping to ensure that all floodplain regulations are met and navigated in a streamlined process. Nic also has extensive experience compiling construction documents including construction-ready plans, specifications, and cost estimates. He also provides project support through construction observation and post-project monitoring.

Nic Truscott


Associate Principal Engineer

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