Water supply to support local communities, agriculture, and ecosystems is a paramount issue in the American west, and current water scarcity will be worsened by decreasing summer streamflows in a warming climate. Whereas traditional approaches to water storage infrastructure have severely impacted fisheries, restoration of the natural water storage functions of streams, floodplains, and forests offers a multi-benefit approach. Through close collaboration with tribal, governmental, and NGO clients we have designed, implemented, and monitored stream restoration projects aimed at reinitiating natural water storage functions of streams and floodplains, with potential benefits of augmenting and cooling streamflow during the dry summer months. We have developed tools to quantify the volume of local floodplain water bodies and groundwater storage that can be accessed via in-channel restoration and have built a GIS-based model to prioritize locations for treatment. In addition to stream restoration efforts, we are also applying recent research to develop and test upland forest management strategies that maximize snow and soil water storage. Together, these initiatives reflect our commitment to innovative, natural solutions for improving water supply, buffering drought impacts, and improving forest health and fire resilience.