NSD managed the overall design effort the Gray Reach and Stormy Reach projects, a 4-mile project area of the Entiat River under an IDIQ contract with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. The goal of this project was to implement project construction to meet Reclamation funding deadlines, and to partially meet the 2008 Biological Opinion for the Federal Columbia River Power System requirements. These requirements included improving spawning and rearing habitat for spring Chinook salmon, steelhead trout, and bull trout. NSD was responsible for the coordination of the overall project design involving four project sponsors (Yakama Nation, Chelan County Natural Resource Department, Cascade Columbia Fisheries Enhancement Group, and Cascadia Conservation District) and multiple landowners. NSD was also responsible for overall project permitting in coordination with the project sponsors and Reclamation. NSD led the design of over 100 LWM structures to provide habitat and induce natural geomorphic response within the river to create self-sustaining habitat for listed anadromous salmonids. In 2019, NSD provided construction inspection support for the completion of LWM structures in project areas B and E. In 2020, NSD provided support for the final construction throughout the project reach. The work in 2020 included the construction of wood structures by helicopter and by ground based equipment.