Cle Elum River Restoration Phases I & II, Kittitas County, WA

Cle Elum River Restoration, Kittitas County, WA

The Cle Elum River has been heavily influenced by the construction and operations of Cle Elum Dam leading to the entrenchment of the channel and loss of floodplain connectivity. NSD + CGS team members participated in the Phase I restoration project, which utilized two engineered logjams (ELJs) to create over a mile of prime perennial side channel habitat. Phase I was constructed in 2010, restoring over a mile of perennial side channel habitat. Salmon were observed under and spawning around the ELJs the first year. NSD + CGS then led geomorphic assessment, 2-D hydraulic modeling, risk assessment and design for Phase II, located downstream. Phase II includes restoration of 4 major side channels as well as improvement of habitat in the main stem channel with 9 ELJs, and 25 stabilized snags. NSD + CGS’s design for helicopter placement of engineered wood structures was successfully completed ahead of schedule and under budget, moving over 1.6 million pounds of material in 16 hours. Ground construction was completed in October 2014 with over 4 miles of new perennial channels restored.



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