Scott Katz

Scott Katz

Scott Katz

Scott Katz is a geomorphologist and environmental scientist specializing in quantifying complex environmental process and incorporating that knowledge into restoration design. Scott has 10 years of experience working on river, tidal, and aquatic projects throughout the country where he utilizes his strong interdisciplinary background in geomorphology, sediment transport, hydraulic modeling, hydrology, stream and riparian ecology, and chemistry to support project teams in the development of innovative, science-based design and assessments. Scott’s current focus is on characterizing the complex interactions between geomorphology, hydrology, and riparian ecology from the reach to the watershed scale using a combination of remote sensing, hydraulic modeling, and field data. Through this interdisciplinary approach Scott works to identify the root causes of ecosystem degradation and support the creation of solutions to fix them. He incorporates this work into a variety of assessment, design, and monitoring projects where he strives to clearly communicate the (sometimes complex) findings of these analyses to a wide variety of stakeholders and project team members. In addition to this work, his primary project roles include project management, restoration design, 2-dimensional hydraulic modeling, geospatial analysis, geomorphic assessments, hydrologic analysis, sediment transport modeling, field investigations, and stream habitat evaluations.

Scott 6
Scott Katz


Project Geomorphologist

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